
The independence commission began work immediately following the UK general election in December 2019. It was tasked by Plaid Cymru Leader Adam Price with producing recommendations on ways a Plaid Cymru Government should prepare for holding a referendum on independence.
With its own Senedd and legislative powers, Wales is already on a journey to independence. This report charts the next steps and:
  1. Says an independent Wales should seek membership of the European Union, with a possible provisional step being membership of the European Free Trade Area.
  2. Recommends that Wales explores a confederal relationship with England and Scotland.
  3. Proposes improvements to the operation of the Welsh Government and civil service.
  4. Points the way to drawing up a Welsh Constitution and sets out a framework for a Self-Determination Bill to take the independence process forward.
  5. A statutory National Commission should provide the people of Wales with a clear understanding of the option for their political future – including through Citizens’ Assemblies and an initial referendum to test a range of constitutional options.

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